Monday, December 5, 2011


Well, it has been over a month since I last wrote, so I guess that I can write a new entry now... haha I really didn't mean to wait so long for the next entry, but I didn't have much to write about. I didn't think that everyone wanted to hear how I haven't been feeling well and that my bed and I have been best friends. But, on the up side, I am starting to feel a little better now. I still don't feel great, but the nausea has lessened and I am actually feeling like I can get up and get things done, which I know will make Gus happy! haha I think he is tired of cleaning the kitchen and being in charge of all the meals and anything else I need him to do while I lay in bed. I felt bad, but I just couldn't do it. I started feeling a tiny bit better the week of Thanksgiving, but on Thanksgiving Day I had so much acid in my stomach that I just didn't feel good and we didn't even get over to my parent's house until after 1pm. But, we stopped and got some Pepcid Complete from Walgreens (I hate that stores are opened on holidays, making others have to work, but I sure was glad that they were opened!) and I felt quite a bit better after that. Thanksgiving was really good. My Mom and sister did most of the food. I made the stuffing- it's my job and let me tell you, it sure is hard to open that box up and mix everything together! ;) haha That reminds me. A couple of days before Thanksgiving my younger brother comes up to me and tells me how much he likes my stuffing, it is so much better than that boxed kind that some people make... my sister, mom and I started laughing because that is the only kind we usually make for Thanksgiving... haha Anyways....

The Saturday after Thanksgiving Gus and I went with my family and we picked out our Christmas trees. We ALWAYS get real trees in my family, none of this fake stuff. When I was little we use to actually cut them down ourselves too- then we moved to AZ and then to NM and this became a little harder and we just went to tree lots- with my Dad protesting of course. Gus, on the other hand, always had fake trees; I guess real trees aren't really that common in Brazil. Anyway, I told Gus that we were getting a real tree, no ifs, ands, or buts! ;) We picked out a cute little 4 foot one and then we put it on one of our end tables and it is the height of a regular sized one! Our apartment is pretty small and so we don't have many places it could go, but we both really like it. Then we decorated it- after we bought lights and a star of course! We had some ornaments that we had gotten last year (we were living with my Grandparent's then though and just used their tree and didn't have one of our own) and some that I had received throughout my life, and of course, our first Christmas together ornament. Then I put up some Christmas decorations that I had been given in Christmas’s past.  I also have a village to set up, but we are trying to figure out how to put it up still since we don’t have too much room. Have I mentioned that I love Christmas? This will be our first Christmas together in our own little place and I’m so excited! (Yes, I know, technically it is our second Christmas together, but first in our own little place!)

And I just thought that I would throw in some more baby news. We had our second doctors appointment the other day and we got to hear the heartbeat again and it was going strong! I had lost some more weight though (not that much, a whole 2 pounds!) but the Dr said that she didn’t want me loosing anymore weight  and gave me an anti-nausea prescriptions, but I haven’t used it yet- I don’t want to take stuff if I don’t have too. But here is the kicker! I asked when they usually do the gender ultrasounds (I had heard some do it at 16 weeks, some 20, so I was just curious) and you know what the nurse said? “We don’t.” What??? She said that the insurance doesn’t pay for it; they only pay for ultrasounds if they suspect there might be a problem. What?? I thought that now days everyone did the gender ultrasound. My mom had it for all four of us and that was about 27 years ago (starting with my brother). Weird.  But, I have a friend whose mother –in-law does ultrasounds around here and she told me that she does ultrasounds for all of her friends and can do it for me, but she just can’t do anything official or give you the pictures or anything else. So, at least hopefully we will still get to see something even if we don’t have “official” results. I was really shocked. Oh well, I guess that’s how things go. I have a few more weeks to worry about it since I’m still only about 13 weeks. I did get more of an official due date though- June 11th. My little brother’s birthday is on the 13th though and he hopes the baby comes then. I thought 6-6-12 sounded good (although, my sister informed me that June 6th is the birthday of her best friend, who died a few years ago :(). And, something else I’m sure you have all been dying to know… I feel so fat! Haha and since I have nice large hips, my baby has decided it likes it there, for now I’m sure, but that makes pants feel tight- and the elastic (like on my pajamas and underwear) really makes me feel squished! And there really isn’t anywhere to get maternity clothes around here. (You would think there would be with all the births around here, but most are teenagers and I guess that they just buy clothes a little bit bigger and my brother informed me that they just let their bellies hang out… eew)  And something else that makes me sick- my Sister-in-law is due any day now (they will induce her on the 10th if she doesn’t have her baby by then) and she is still wearing pre-pregnancy pants… I feel so fat!!! But I love our Baby anyway and Gus says I’m still hot… ;) Well, this post is getting long. I guess I shall end. Merry Christmas and Happy New Years, if I don’t write before then, I make no guarantees! ;)

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Well, Since it's on Facebook I guess I can blog about it now. I'm pregnant and Gus and I are sooo excited!! We found out a few weeks ago when I went to the Dr's because I wasn't feeling the best- turns out I had a bladder infection and am pregnant!! Yesterday we went to our first Ob-gyn appointment. We were thinking that we were about 10 or so weeks but the Dr. couldn't hear the heartbeat and sent us to get an ultrasound. The U/S tech said that it looks like I am about 8.2 weeks along and the heart was beating at 196 bpm. We got to hear it and it sounded like a washing machine just chugging along! We also got to SEE the heart beating for a second or too- the Tech didn't stay in any one position too long and so everything was real quick. The "morning sickness" hit about a week after we found out and has gotten worse every week since then. I feel like crap! Luckily I haven't thrown up "too" much... I have a lot of nausea and NOTHING sounds good though. and Everything smells horrible!!  I don't sleep well and last night I woke up multiple times just because my stomach wasn't happy.... :( I hate feeling sick... But I am happy that everything looked good with our baby! We are putting the due date around the end of May beginning of June, so the baby will be almost exactly a year younger then it's cousin (My brother's son) who was born May 28, 2011. and just a few months younger then it's cousin (Gus's sister) who is due in about 6 weeks! Well, that's all I can think of right now and I don't feel good... I don't know how people do this and work too... ick!

I always had a hard time reading the ultrasounds- but I think this one is pretty good for just over 8 weeks- the baby is in the middle with it's head on the right and body on the left in the middle of the dark spot!

Monday, October 24, 2011

October post...

So, I guess I failed at writing a blog in September, and almost for October too- I couldn't let it get away, but I haven't had a whole lot to say. In September I worked 40hr weeks- which I know is normal for most people, but was exhausting for me. So, we didn't do much. Gus and I went to work at 8 every morning and we had lunch at 12 (usually, although he had a 30 min. lunch and I had an hour) then he got off around 2:30 (sometimes later depending on if he had meetings or needed to help other people) and then I got off at 5 and we came home and did nothing. Well- some days of the week. ;) On Tue and Thur Gus is still cleaning our friend's office and then on Wed. I had mutual and Gus had meetings. But that is all going to change and this week will be my last week of work, period. I thought that I would be going back to my 15 hours a week once I was done helping answering phones, but I found out on Friday afternoon (at 4ish) that this fiscal year is coming to an end and that they don't have money in the budget for me... :( I have a lot I could say about this whole thing, but I am choosing to try to be more positive about it and so therefore, I must not say anymore... ;)
       This Thursday is Gus's birthday. He is going to be 27 on the 27th. Wow, he's sooo old! haha I just love him! and he's soooo stinkin cute too! We probably won't do to much though cuz he isn't big on celebrating birthdays- especially his birthday. Oh, and today is my Grandma's 86th birthday- now talk about old! haha It is hard watching my grandparents get older. I love them soo much though and am so glad that I have been able to know and be close to both sets of grandparents and even know some of my great grandparents. I just love my family. Well, that's all I have to say for now............. :)

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Well, I guess the most exciting thing that has happened lately is that I started working full time- temporarily. At work there were some ladies that went on maternity leave and left a vacancy... So, I was asked if I would be willing to fill in until they got back- so for about 2 months. I am now the operator. I get to direct the calls, and sell cheese to the employees and whatever else they need me to do. It is pretty good, besides the fact that I have never liked answering phones... We needed the money though, so I said yes. It makes me tired. I know it is normal for people all over the world, but I don't really enjoy working full time. I'm glad that my husband isn't making me. He says that I can do whatever I want and we will try to make everything work. If only now he could start working full time and we could get benefits... But over all, things are really going pretty good. I have the best husband ever and I love him soooooo much! Thanks for being the best Amor!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

One Year!!!!

Happy Anniversary!!! I have been married to the best husband for one whole year now! Gus truly is everything I wanted, hoped for, dreamed of and more! I honestly thought that maybe I wanted to much in a guy- and along came Gus, meu Amor. He truly has made me so happy and I am glad that I have the opportunity to spend all eternity with him. I can't imagine life with out him. I just hope that I can be even better for him- he deserves it. He is so patient with me and loving- even when I am depressed, grouchy, and not very nice... This year has flown by. I told Gus that I think the time between when we first started dating (Feb 14, 2010) to the day that we got married (July 31, 2010) seemed a lot longer then this past year with him. And I bet the years will just keep flying by... Thank you Gus!!!! I love you sooo much!! Voce eh tudo pra mim! Te amo Amor!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Well, it happened, we got the apartment!!!! We will be moving-in this week and we are very excited. Happy almost one year anniversary to us! It is a cute one bedroom place- not too big, but it will do. The bathroom is nice and big- kitchen is about the same size though. So while the size is big for a bathroom, it isn't very big for a kitchen... but it does have a dishwasher, stove, and smaller then normal fridge, and a bar that separates the front room. The bedroom has a huge closet in it with shelves on one end. The front room has a big bay-ish like window, and the view is great! We get to see the wall across the walk way!! haha Maybe pictures will be coming... ;)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Phew! Finally finished reposting yesterdays txt. That was a pain! But ya, that is what is going on in our lives right now. I'm happy for Gus and excited for us.
When we first got married we lived with my grandparents and now we are living with my parents. I am excited, but nervous too! I want to make the right choices..
Gus and I are also looking at apartments and we can hopefully get our own place in a little while. It will be the first place we will have lived alone.
And then today I got the belts changed and labor alone was $105!!! That is rediculous!!! Oh and note to self- you can only send 1 txt message at a time to blog.
We got new tires on our truck. I like the price I paid 6 years ago better. I paid $43 a tire and now it was $62. That adds up when you get 4, and tax and such..
Well lets try this again, seeing how well it went last time... Well, Gus had his third day of work, not just training, today and I think he is liking it so far.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

RE: baby

Parker Joshua Kitchen born May 28 2011 @ 8lbs3oz and 20.5 in long. Congratulations Josh and Jayni!

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I am trying this from my phone... Let's if it works!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Meu Amor!

I just wanted to let you all know what an amazing and loving husband I have. He truly is the greatest blessing in my life and I am so thankful that I found him. I never would of guessed that I would find someone so wonderful (although I did dream)! Heavenly Father really is mindful of us and knows what we need. So, last night I was informed that my Mom was going with a friend of ours to the Temple this morning- which is three hours away, so not quite so easy to just pop in and out of. I was invited to go, but I wasn't sure where my clothes where since, things are still crazy around here. My darling husband stayed up and searched until he found them, and then ironed my dress while I went to bed because I didn't feel good. Then he woke up with me at 5:40 this morning- ok, so he did go back to bed afterwards... ;) but he is just so kind and thoughtful and loving. I am so glad that I get to spend all eternity with him! I love you Gus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for everything!

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Can I just say that conference was amazing? I have loved watching conference for almost as long as I can remember. ;) When I was like 5 or 6ish I remember that I got out a piece of paper and put a whole bunch of circles on it- I had planned to draw faces of all the people who spoke. I'm pretty sure that the only difference for most of them was glasses or no glasses or hair if it was a girl. haha I remember though that I tried to draw the guy who was saying the prayer- that didn't go over to well with the parents... haha But seriously, I love listening to the Prophet's voice and all the apostles. I can just feel the love coming from them and the spirit is so strong. We truly are blessed to have a Prophet on the earth today to lead and to guide us. They only want the best for us. Life would just be so much easier if we could just follow the commandments! These natural man instincts just get in the way! ;) After watching conference, I just want to be a better person and I resolve to do better; I usually fall way short of that, but the desire is there. I want soooo much to be a better person- to be the person that God wants me to be, to be more like His son, Jesus Christ. I am thankful for such a wonderful family and that they were willing to make the sacrifices to teach me the truth, I hope that I will be able to do the same for my family. I want to be with ALL - past, present, and future- of my family forever! I am so lucky!!! and I also have a wonderful family-in-law! I have the bestest husband in the world!! He is so good to me and treats me like a Queen. I am so glad that we were able to me married in the temple and that we will be together forever, if we make the right choices in our lives. Oh- and March 31st was our 8 month anniversary! Thank you honey for a wonderful 8 months!!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

March 4th

On the fourth of this month, I got to "March fourth" into a new year of my life. Happy Birthday to me. I remember thinking that time was so long and that I would never get older. Well, here I am, older, and it seems that as each year goes by, time gets shorter and shorter. This was the second birthday that I got to celebrate with the love of my life- although it was my first one married! We went out to eat lunch and it was delicious! That evening we had dinner with my family and cake and ice cream and watched a movie. It was nice being with my family. For my birthday, Gus bought me the "Hunger Games" book series. They were good, but not what I expected them to be. They were kind of depressing in some ways. They kind of reminded me of the book "The Giver." You had to look past the actual words to see what was going on- the meaning behind the books. They were good though. I got the game of "Life" from my younger brother- he's so cute. He had opened the game and took out the money and two cars and put a guy and a girl in them- then he put that in a bag and had me open it. When I opened it, he told me that he had given me some money and a car for both Gus and I- and then he gave me the actual game.- It was cute. and then like that, my birthday was over for another year. Speaking of birthday's though, today is my Grandpa's 85th birthday. Happy Birthday Grandpa! I love my grandparents so much. It truly has been wonderful having such loving grandparents. I wish they would be here forever, but at least I will be with them forever- maybe not in this life though. It has been really hard watching them get older and hard explaining how they use to be when I was a little kid. I really want my kids to be able to know them, but I don't know how that will go. Grandpa Kitchen is in really bad health and his short term memory is going. He's also isn't the same person he use to be, but he is still a wonderful, kind, loving man that anyone would be glad to have as a grandpa! Grandma Kitchen is probably in the best shape now- she is also the youngest of them all, but even she is getting older. Grandpa Mickelson has cancer. They gave him about a year to live, but he is in the process of seeing what all they can do to help him out. It is so sad, because even though he is diabetic, he has always seemed to be the one in the best health. He has always been active and was always making things in his wood shop and doing their garden and going camping in their trailer. I loved spending the summers with them when I was younger. It seemed so neat to get to spend so much time with them. Grandma Mickelson has never really been in that great of health, but she has always kept going and has worked hard- and Grandpa Mickelson has taken such great care of her- and vice versa! She is also very stressed about Grandpa's health and her memory is going too... It all adds up! They truly are the best! But I know that my kids will have wonderful grandparent too- even if they don't get to know their great grandparents. I really have a wonderful family! I'm sure that Gus's is great too, but I have only met his sister and parents. I don't know his grandparents or aunts and uncles. Hopefully I will get to meet them soon. I really want my kids to be able to know both sides of their family. It is going to be really hard though with them being in two different countries. Growing up, we didn't always live extremely close to my grandparents, but when when we did visit, both sets of grandparents lived three blocks away from each other- very convenient and nice! I guess time never stops. Each year I'll have a birthday and we will all get older- it is inevitable. To a happy and beautiful future!

Monday, February 28, 2011


I officially started my job last Wednesday. I am a file clerk for Leprino foods. It isn't the most exciting job in the world, but the people I work around are really good people. I hope this all works out and that Gus can get his papers soon and also start working- then I will have my hubby with me at work! He will probably be so busy though. and our schedules will be different since he will be working more hours. I wonder how we are going to work that out with one car??? Oh well, we will worry about that when the time comes! Working sure does help me get going in the day. and now we will have an income, as small as it may be, it is more then nothing! Yay for a job!! :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Feb. 14, 2010

Valentines Day, 2010 was the day that Gus and I had our first date. One year ago! It is crazy to think how time has past. I love him sooo much! He is the love of my life. I had started to think that I was never going to find a guy who had all the qualities that I wanted. Gus is the first guy that I dated that I really loved and felt like this could work. My past relationships were good- they were all good guys, but just not the right one for me. After our first date I was a little worried about how things would work out between Gus and I since my last relationships only lasted a month each- I didn't want to get hurt again. I was very afraid of getting hurt, our hurting someone. I wanted to make sure that things went slowly... well, that didn't last too long! I fell deeply in love with Gus and always wanted to be with him. So, our first date was on Sunday and we decided that that Friday we would go to the temple together. It was such a neat experience. I really felt like Gus could be the one I would marry. After just a few days we decided that we wanted to officially begin dating. It was so cute. Gus and I were at his apartment watching a movie and he turned to me and asks "What does an American guy say if he wants to ask someone to be his girlfriend?" I laughed and said "ask" haha. Gus was like "oh, ok." and then we continued watching the movie (no, I don't remember the movie... haha it could have been Avatar though since it seemed like we watched that a lot at his place- it was always on!) After a few min he turned to me and asks if I would like to be his girlfriend. I, of course, said yes!! Ok, so I was just looking back through my journal and on Wednesday, the 17th of February, 2010 it says "I've seen Gustavo every day and we're going to get married - wow, did I really just say that?" and it came true! He is the love of my life! That is also the day I met his family and I loved them right off. They were so sweet and kind. I truly have an amazing husband who is so good to me and loves me with all his heart! He would do anything for me and takes such good care of me- especially when I am depressed. I always thought that no one would want me because of my depression, that I would be such a bother and a downer to them since no one likes people who are pessimistic all the time. But Gus really does make me sooo incredibly happy, even if I am depressed. I have always felt comfortable with him. He is the greatest! Happy 1st year together Gus- and to many many more!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

6 Months!!!

Jan. 31st was mine and Gus's 6th month anniversary. It sure doesn't seem like 6 months since we got married- but I have absolutely loved being with my best friend! There isn't too much to do here in Roswell- and something that doesn't cost is even harder to find, but we had a good day. We went to lunch at "our" restaurant- haha Wendy's and then afterwards we went to the Humane Society and looked at the animals there. There were some cute dogs and puppies that we wanted, too bad we don't have the money or the place for them... haha. There was one dog there that had been hurt- I'm pretty sure it was abused. It was so scared and had its tail in-between its legs and I had to really coax it to come to me. I felt so bad for it. Who could be so mean to these animals? There was also this one dog who had just had puppies and it was being such a good mommy to them. I wish I could do more for the animals... Afterwards we decided to go look at cars- haha. We just wanted to look at what was out there. We know that we don't have any money now, but soon we will need a different car. My truck has been so good, but there are only two seats in it really- three if you must, but it is very crammed- and hopefully a little one will be joining our family before too long- maybe this year or the next- and my truck is getting older all the time... Plus if we both start working, it could be hard to get us both to work in one car... Anyway, we just wanted to look. They showed us a 2011 Honda Civic and it was really nice- we could get it for $19600. We really wanted it- but I mean- $409 a month payments?? Ya, having a job does really help. There was also a 2009 Hyundai Elantra that they had in that was $14000 for $298 a month. Closer to a possible monthly payment... haha. Good thing Gus was there or I might just have boughten me a new car! haha It was fun though. I enjoyed being with Gus, he is sooo good to me! Oh and the best part- when I woke up that morning, he had written on post it notes and put them up on the mirrors. He wrote "Te amo Happy Anniversary 6 months" and then he wrote I love you in a whole bunch of different languages. Then in the bathroom he wrote that he loves my smile, in Portuguese, and then he wrote "I'm lucky to be in love with my best friend" and "I love us!" Gus is soo wonderful!! I love him with all my heart!! I truly am soo lucky to be with him! I am so glad that I have all eternity to be with him!!!!! Thank you Honey for being the bestest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Well, I guess that it is about time that I write again... haha. Lots has happened since I last wrote- In November we had Thanksgiving with my Dad's aunt and my Dad's family- for lunch, and then we went over to Juliana's and we made our own Thanksgiving dinner- it was all nice. I enjoy spending time with family, if only Mom and Dad and Jared and Kristen could of been there too! Then in December there was Christmas- we spent Christmas Eve with Juliana and Tim. We went to jump on it and had a lot of fun- although my favorite part was playing with Emma. Then we went and had Cafe Rio for lunch. We then went back to Juliana and Tim's house and we talked, watched movies, fixed dinner, opened Christmas presents, played with Emma and ate! It was fun. Then on Christmas day- we spent with Grandma and Grandpa Kitchen. We didn't get up until really late because I had stayed up late (err early 5am) sewing the pillow I was making for Josh and Jayni- the night before I had been up until 7am finishing the pillow for Tim and Juliana and Emma. I had cross stitched Christmas patterns and then I made pillows out of fabric that I had found going through Gma Kitchen's material. I hope they liked them- they took quite a bit of time. Since Gus and I didn't have too much money, we didn't get much. I got Gus some shirts that he picked out (that look very nice on him I might add!) and he got me some Christmas movies that I had picked out. Mom and Dad- with Kristen and Jared- came up to Richfield the day after Christmas- Sunday- and on Tuesday Gus and I went down to Gma and Gpa Mickelson's house to see everyone and spend some time with our grandparents since we won't be seeing them as much because... we moved! Just a little while before Christmas, Dad said that he would be Gus's sponsor to get his Green Card- we had been trying to find a sponsor for awhile. Dad also talked to the Bishop, who works as an HR director and he said that as soon as Gus could get a green card, he had a HR job here in Roswell for him. So, we packed up and came back to Roswell with Mom and Dad. -But before we did that, we spent the next couple of days in Richfield and we also went to the Manti temple for my cousin Mike, and his wife Brittany's sealing, which was very nice. It was snowing a lot though and the roads where kind of scary! For New Years Eve we were at Gma and Gpa Kitchen's with my family, and some of my aunts and uncle and their families. Some of the cousins went out and did some fireworks that Gus and I found when we were cleaning up Gma and Gpa Kitchen's car port. It was nice. The next day we spent packing and the day after that we left. The roads on the way down were snow and ice packed though- the weather was nice though- and we had to go like 25 mphs instead of 65mph... which made the long 12 hour trip into and even longer 15 hour trip... but we got here safe and sound with out any problems. We spent the next two weeks working on Gus's green card papers and such. We had to go to a special dr for a physical for Gus and in Roswell it cost over $500- so we called around and in Lubbock, TX it was $130- so we drove the two hours there- and paid the $50 in gas- and got it a lot cheaper! We did have to go back to Lubbock though to get his TB test read, but still- overall we saved money. We finally got everything ready and sent in. We hope we did everything right... The papers arrived and now we are just waiting for the Government to go threw them and hopefully give Gus his green card- and then he can start working! We have just kind of been hanging out now. In the mornings I have started going walking with Mom when we take Jared to seminary and then we wait for him at the church. It feels good to exercise and I really need to loose weight!! When I come back home I usually eat and then go back to bed though... I think I need to change that though. Well anyway, that is a brief update on what is going on here with Gus and I... just waiting! ;)