Thursday, August 22, 2013

stupid blogger. :-)

So, I had everything ready on my last post and then went to add one little thing and went to publish it when blogger decided to revert to an older version... So, July and Aug were there, but now they will have to wait for their own post. :-)

May, June, July, Aug 2013 :-)

I guess I actually do have things to post about that I didn't post on Facebook.... :-) Be prepared for a book, I've been told I can't summarize very well. :-) sorry.

In May, Gus was called to be the Branch President of our Spanish Branch here. And no, we really don't speak Spanish, especially me. :-)  Gus is doing pretty good considering Spanish is similar to his native language, Portuguese, but mine is lacking. I understand a few things, but while chasing Lucas around, I don't get much time to even try to understand. I should study more at home to help myself, but I'm conflicted... I don't want to muddle up my little bit of Portuguese with Spanish because I want to be able to talk with Gus's family and make sure Lucas learns Portuguese also. But on the flip side, Spanish would be more useful here... And while most of the people in the branch speak a little English, there is a reason why the Spanish branch was created (we already have two English speaking wards here). So, whilst in the midst of my conflict, I do nothing... I also miss going to church with my parents. And having some one to help take care of Lucas. Sunday school and Relief Society are on the stage- which means that naturally, Lucas wants to go down the stairs he is to little for. And I get to jump up and run after him... So, we spend most of that time in the halls. Sacrament Meeting is last- and about 30 min after Lucas needs to go down for a nap... Sigh But Gus is enjoying himself and there are some nice people in the branch. I just kind of feel useless...

My baby turned one! Where did all the time go? Oh wait, let's back up to the last week in May/beginning of June. Gus, Lucas and I went to Dallas. Gus's mom (his dad had to work) wanted to come out for Lucas's birthday and she was flying into Dallas, where Gus's sister and her family live. So, instead of her flying here and splitting her time, we went there and got to also see Gus's sister and family. It was like an eight hour drive and Lucas did pretty good. We only stopped twice for gas. Towards the end though he just wanted to get out and finally fell sleep about 20 min before we got there. :-)  While there we mostly just hung out. We went swimming a couple of times and we had Gus's mom take family pictures and Lucas's one year pictures. He smiled so good for his one year photos, but when it came time for family pictures, no dice. :-(  Such a funny boy. He loved the balloons for the pictures and he loved his cakes. (Yes, plural :-)  ). He enjoyed playing with his cousins Emma and Adam and his Vovó (grandma). I was so worried that he wouldn't want anything to do with Gus's mom because besides Skype, the last time he saw her, he was two months old. But, he didn't have a problem and there wasn't an ounce of hesitation. He also like his Tia Juliana, who made him his cakes. :-)  While there, we also had some yummy BBQ that Tim and Gus cooked, and some yummy hamburgers that Tim and I made and he and Gus grilled. It was fabulous. Then we needed to come home. :-(  We were home for Lucas's actual birthday- which was on a Saturday. A very busy one at that. But we did get him a party with my family (Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Kristen), where he also had two cakes. :-). One was a train one that my mom made out of chocolate waffles and was so cute. I made a white one with raspberry jello that was delicious. He loved celebrating. We had a birthday banner that says one is fun. It might or might not still be on the wall... He loves pointing at it and he knows it's his.