Friday, September 24, 2010


So, since Gus was sick, I thought it would be fun to get sick too... haha Last Friday I started having pains in my left side and then I got the chills and couldn't get warm. I had three blankets on me and was cuddling up to Gus to use his body heat. The shivering didn't help the pain in my side... Then on Saturday I threw-up twice. Sunday I was feeling a little better and then we went to Gus's sisters to celebrate her birthday. I was a little tired, but I thought I was doing better. Then on Monday, I felt worse again! Tuesday I was feeling a little bit better and I did all our laundry and changed the sheets and cleaned up the bathroom a little- then Wednesday morning came... and my stomach hurt so bad. I threw-up four times and finally called the dr. They gave me a shot to stop throwing-up but said that I probably just had a virus and there wasn't anything they could do, except let it run its course... This sickness is so weird though- I've never had anything like it. Any other time I've thrown-up, it has just been that one day, or maybe two- never two nonconsecutive days though... and I have also had pain in my left abdomen by my hip- all my pain has been on the left side. I'm thinking that I might have an ovarian cyst. The dr. said that was possible, but since I was already on birth control, there wasn't much they could do... oh fun... Well, here it is Friday again and I am still not feeling that good. I wish I knew what was wrong with me... Going to the doctors again really isn't an option, seeing as how we don't have insurance and we had to pay up front- $125- and basically for nothing! Luckily, I have the best husband in the world who takes care of me! and doesn't complain when I accidentally drool on him in my sleep- I also had a sore throat and a little bit of a stuffy nose, but that went away after Saturday. Oh, sickness... Well, I guess there isn't much I can do about things then... Just keep trying my best!

Friday, September 17, 2010

New Hair!

So, yesterday I got my hair cut and then colored for the first time! I was tired of my hair, so I decided that I needed something different. Gus was really supportive and told me to just go ahead and do it, even though I told him we shouldn't spend the money on things that this. I didn't get my hair cut too short, but I did get about 2 in. taken off. My friend/hairdresser Kara, bleached my hair more blond and added caramel coloring. It is still weird looking in the mirror and seeing my hair a different color. I haven't yet really played around with my hair, still going on the style that she did on my hair yesterday, so I still am not sure what I think. I have always wanted my hair more of a strawberry blond color instead of a dishwater blond. I hope I like it- I think I will though, it will just take a little getting use to!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Sick Husband

My poor husband is sick! :( He has a cold. I wish I could help him better. He's still so cute though. It was cute listening to him snore last night but I felt bad that he wasn't breathing better. Now I'm just waiting, seeing how long it will take me to get sick... I hate being sick! Not that is would matter much though since I'm not doing anything much right now- I still don't know what to do with my life... I really need to get things figured out- and soon! On the plus side though- tonight is date night! We don't do much- just dinner and a movie, but I love getting out with my husband. I love being with him soo much! I just hope that he is feeling well enough. He is so good to me, even when he isn't feel very good. How did I get so lucky??

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Well, not much has changed since last time I posted. I'm still trying to decided what I'm going to do with my life. It will all come together eventually I'm sure. Yesterday was Labor day and Gus and I went to his sister's house and had a picnic/barbecue that was a lot of fun. I got to play with my niece Emma- who is the cutest thing in the world. She is growing so big. On the 17th she will be 8 months old! Today I get to watch her for a few hours while her parents are busy; so that should be fun. Yesterday Gus and I also went to my Uncle Roger's house for his step-daughter's birthday and that was fun being with family. I also got to play with my cousin Lorina, who is somewhere around 17 months old. She has the cutest little curls and is so adorable. I am getting so excited to have my own children with Gus one day. Gus will be such a good daddy. He is so wonderful! I really do have the best husband in the world!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

New Day

Ok, new day, new post. So, I just wanted to make sure that my darling husband knows that I love him, even though he says he doesn't have time to look at my blog- yet still finds time to check facebook while he was suppose to be doing his hmwk last night... I also want to mention how much I love my Mother. She is the best and I hope one day to be more like her. I really do have the best family in the world. I also didn't make it to school today- I feel bad about it, but I really don't want to go and so it is hard to come up with the motivation to go. I have been looking at going to a technical school where I would do more hands on things and feel like I was doing some good in the world. I am looking at either doing a CNA course -again- or a medical assistant or maybe even a message therapist. I really don't know. I am a little worried too that I will regret not finishing the schooling I am taking now, but it will be at least a year and a half to finish and I don't want to take the classes I have to to graduate. I feel stupid at school- and this shouldn't be how I feel. I dread going to school when I wake up in the mornings... What is wrong with me? I also wish that my husband could be going to school for real and not just taking English classes that get us nowhere. Unfortunately though, we don't have the money to do that because it costs like $6000 for him because he is an international student... What would happen if we go back to Brazil? Gus thinks that we won't be able to get back to the US very easy if we do that though... I would miss my family a lot! Although, I do love my in-laws; they are great people. Oh life... how I love thee...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Getting started

So, I've been told that I should start a blog... I'm not sure that I have that much to say, but I thought I would try it out. Whats new with me... Lets see, yesterday was my one month anniversary with my wonderful husband Gustavo. He was so thoughtful and bought me a card and some chocolate! School has also recently started- I'm not sure how that is going to go... School is sooo stressful for me. I need to find a passion. There are so many things I am interested in, but there isn't one specific thing that I am extremely passionate about. I love my husband more than anything in this world and I want to make him happy. I also am interested in Health Care- I want to go into the medical field and help people, but I don't know what to do and it is really hard because school is such a stressful thing in my life. It is also hard to decided because I really want to be a stay at home mom when we start having children... Life... I hope I can figure it out soon. Any suggestions would be really helpful!