Monday, February 28, 2011


I officially started my job last Wednesday. I am a file clerk for Leprino foods. It isn't the most exciting job in the world, but the people I work around are really good people. I hope this all works out and that Gus can get his papers soon and also start working- then I will have my hubby with me at work! He will probably be so busy though. and our schedules will be different since he will be working more hours. I wonder how we are going to work that out with one car??? Oh well, we will worry about that when the time comes! Working sure does help me get going in the day. and now we will have an income, as small as it may be, it is more then nothing! Yay for a job!! :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Feb. 14, 2010

Valentines Day, 2010 was the day that Gus and I had our first date. One year ago! It is crazy to think how time has past. I love him sooo much! He is the love of my life. I had started to think that I was never going to find a guy who had all the qualities that I wanted. Gus is the first guy that I dated that I really loved and felt like this could work. My past relationships were good- they were all good guys, but just not the right one for me. After our first date I was a little worried about how things would work out between Gus and I since my last relationships only lasted a month each- I didn't want to get hurt again. I was very afraid of getting hurt, our hurting someone. I wanted to make sure that things went slowly... well, that didn't last too long! I fell deeply in love with Gus and always wanted to be with him. So, our first date was on Sunday and we decided that that Friday we would go to the temple together. It was such a neat experience. I really felt like Gus could be the one I would marry. After just a few days we decided that we wanted to officially begin dating. It was so cute. Gus and I were at his apartment watching a movie and he turned to me and asks "What does an American guy say if he wants to ask someone to be his girlfriend?" I laughed and said "ask" haha. Gus was like "oh, ok." and then we continued watching the movie (no, I don't remember the movie... haha it could have been Avatar though since it seemed like we watched that a lot at his place- it was always on!) After a few min he turned to me and asks if I would like to be his girlfriend. I, of course, said yes!! Ok, so I was just looking back through my journal and on Wednesday, the 17th of February, 2010 it says "I've seen Gustavo every day and we're going to get married - wow, did I really just say that?" and it came true! He is the love of my life! That is also the day I met his family and I loved them right off. They were so sweet and kind. I truly have an amazing husband who is so good to me and loves me with all his heart! He would do anything for me and takes such good care of me- especially when I am depressed. I always thought that no one would want me because of my depression, that I would be such a bother and a downer to them since no one likes people who are pessimistic all the time. But Gus really does make me sooo incredibly happy, even if I am depressed. I have always felt comfortable with him. He is the greatest! Happy 1st year together Gus- and to many many more!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

6 Months!!!

Jan. 31st was mine and Gus's 6th month anniversary. It sure doesn't seem like 6 months since we got married- but I have absolutely loved being with my best friend! There isn't too much to do here in Roswell- and something that doesn't cost is even harder to find, but we had a good day. We went to lunch at "our" restaurant- haha Wendy's and then afterwards we went to the Humane Society and looked at the animals there. There were some cute dogs and puppies that we wanted, too bad we don't have the money or the place for them... haha. There was one dog there that had been hurt- I'm pretty sure it was abused. It was so scared and had its tail in-between its legs and I had to really coax it to come to me. I felt so bad for it. Who could be so mean to these animals? There was also this one dog who had just had puppies and it was being such a good mommy to them. I wish I could do more for the animals... Afterwards we decided to go look at cars- haha. We just wanted to look at what was out there. We know that we don't have any money now, but soon we will need a different car. My truck has been so good, but there are only two seats in it really- three if you must, but it is very crammed- and hopefully a little one will be joining our family before too long- maybe this year or the next- and my truck is getting older all the time... Plus if we both start working, it could be hard to get us both to work in one car... Anyway, we just wanted to look. They showed us a 2011 Honda Civic and it was really nice- we could get it for $19600. We really wanted it- but I mean- $409 a month payments?? Ya, having a job does really help. There was also a 2009 Hyundai Elantra that they had in that was $14000 for $298 a month. Closer to a possible monthly payment... haha. Good thing Gus was there or I might just have boughten me a new car! haha It was fun though. I enjoyed being with Gus, he is sooo good to me! Oh and the best part- when I woke up that morning, he had written on post it notes and put them up on the mirrors. He wrote "Te amo Happy Anniversary 6 months" and then he wrote I love you in a whole bunch of different languages. Then in the bathroom he wrote that he loves my smile, in Portuguese, and then he wrote "I'm lucky to be in love with my best friend" and "I love us!" Gus is soo wonderful!! I love him with all my heart!! I truly am soo lucky to be with him! I am so glad that I have all eternity to be with him!!!!! Thank you Honey for being the bestest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!