Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Holiday's and other news!

So, Gus and I had a very good Christmas and a happy New Year celebration. We even got a little Christmas present early. The Friday before Christmas (the 23rd) we got lots of snow, well technically that was just the beginning because it snowed all that day and into the 24th too, I heard that in all we got 11 in. which is crazy for here, but we had a nice white Christmas, which I love! But, that isn't the exciting news! We got to find out the gender of our baby! and we are having a... boy! We are so excited. We waited until Christmas to tell our families. We might have slipped up though and said "he" a few times, so my family was all saying "it's a boy isn't it?" So, we thought we'd trick them. :) We got some little baby girl slippers and wrapped them up and then had my Mom open them. The box said "and the baby is a..." and then she opened it up. We then handed another present to my Dad and had him open it. This time inside the box we had a cute little boy's outfit and a note that said "just kidding, it's a boy!" So, everyone was excited. Most of us thought that it was going to be a girl, and I guess it still could be... hahah we shall see. The next day we were all going to go up to Utah to visit family, but because of the snow, the roads were all icy, so, we had to wait until Tuesday. We first visited my Mom's parent's, who are getting older. My Grandma had recently fallen and broken her nose and had a black and blue face. She also doesn't remember things very well, so it was hard. She has been sick too and has lost soo much weight and is like a bean pole. She didn't know why her clothes didn't fit her anymore, but she didn't recognize new clothes as hers and so she didn't wear them, and then she just couldn't get those "smudges" off her glasses (they were really, really scratched from the fall and her new ones hadn't come in yet), she was trying to clean them every five minutes. It was sad to see my Grandma like that, but I was also very glad to be able to still spend time with my Grandma and Grandpa, who I love so very much! We use to spend every summer with them at their house and there are so many memories there. On Thursday we went up farther north to see the rest of our family. Gus and I stayed with his sister and her family and my parents and younger brother and sister stayed with my older brother and his family (all about 15 min. apart).  It was really good to see almost all of our family. Gus's parent's were up from Brazil, also staying with his sister because his sister had just had a baby on the 10th. He is sooo cute! So, we got to spend time with them, which is nice because I hadn't seen them since our wedding, a year and a half ago (although we talk online quite often). This time, to announce the gender of our little one, we just wrapped up one box and Gus's Dad opened it. He has said that it would be a boy all along! They were all so excited! We also got to see my Dad's Dad, who is now in a care center. It is hard to see, but my Grandma just couldn't give him all he needed. His memory is also not so good... but he does seem to be doing better then last time we saw him (at his house) and he can still leave for parties and such. My aunt and her family moved in with my Grandma, so she isn't all by herself either. It was also good to see my brother and his wife and their cute 6 month old son! He is getting soo big! It was good to see almost all my aunts and uncles. We celebrated New Years in Brazil (through tv via the internet) early with Gus's family so that his sister could put her two cuties to bed and then we went and had a party with my Dad's family and got back to Gus's sister's place just in time to see fireworks that went off right by her house. It was a good night. Then on Sunday, his's sister's baby was blessed. Monday we headed back home. People had to go back to work and I've been trying to get my life more organized! haha Hopefully I can do better now that I am feeling better! Oh, and Gus and I believe that we have felt our baby kicking! :) Both my doctor and the ultrasound lady said that he is quite the mover. and now I will leave you a picture of our baby, Lucas Antonio (we both like the name Lucas, and it is the same in Portuguese and English, and then we thought that Antonio went well with it, and it is Gus's Grandpa's name (His Dad's Dad).We love this little guy soo much!
Blowing Bubbles