Thursday, November 3, 2011


Well, Since it's on Facebook I guess I can blog about it now. I'm pregnant and Gus and I are sooo excited!! We found out a few weeks ago when I went to the Dr's because I wasn't feeling the best- turns out I had a bladder infection and am pregnant!! Yesterday we went to our first Ob-gyn appointment. We were thinking that we were about 10 or so weeks but the Dr. couldn't hear the heartbeat and sent us to get an ultrasound. The U/S tech said that it looks like I am about 8.2 weeks along and the heart was beating at 196 bpm. We got to hear it and it sounded like a washing machine just chugging along! We also got to SEE the heart beating for a second or too- the Tech didn't stay in any one position too long and so everything was real quick. The "morning sickness" hit about a week after we found out and has gotten worse every week since then. I feel like crap! Luckily I haven't thrown up "too" much... I have a lot of nausea and NOTHING sounds good though. and Everything smells horrible!!  I don't sleep well and last night I woke up multiple times just because my stomach wasn't happy.... :( I hate feeling sick... But I am happy that everything looked good with our baby! We are putting the due date around the end of May beginning of June, so the baby will be almost exactly a year younger then it's cousin (My brother's son) who was born May 28, 2011. and just a few months younger then it's cousin (Gus's sister) who is due in about 6 weeks! Well, that's all I can think of right now and I don't feel good... I don't know how people do this and work too... ick!

I always had a hard time reading the ultrasounds- but I think this one is pretty good for just over 8 weeks- the baby is in the middle with it's head on the right and body on the left in the middle of the dark spot!