Monday, December 5, 2011


Well, it has been over a month since I last wrote, so I guess that I can write a new entry now... haha I really didn't mean to wait so long for the next entry, but I didn't have much to write about. I didn't think that everyone wanted to hear how I haven't been feeling well and that my bed and I have been best friends. But, on the up side, I am starting to feel a little better now. I still don't feel great, but the nausea has lessened and I am actually feeling like I can get up and get things done, which I know will make Gus happy! haha I think he is tired of cleaning the kitchen and being in charge of all the meals and anything else I need him to do while I lay in bed. I felt bad, but I just couldn't do it. I started feeling a tiny bit better the week of Thanksgiving, but on Thanksgiving Day I had so much acid in my stomach that I just didn't feel good and we didn't even get over to my parent's house until after 1pm. But, we stopped and got some Pepcid Complete from Walgreens (I hate that stores are opened on holidays, making others have to work, but I sure was glad that they were opened!) and I felt quite a bit better after that. Thanksgiving was really good. My Mom and sister did most of the food. I made the stuffing- it's my job and let me tell you, it sure is hard to open that box up and mix everything together! ;) haha That reminds me. A couple of days before Thanksgiving my younger brother comes up to me and tells me how much he likes my stuffing, it is so much better than that boxed kind that some people make... my sister, mom and I started laughing because that is the only kind we usually make for Thanksgiving... haha Anyways....

The Saturday after Thanksgiving Gus and I went with my family and we picked out our Christmas trees. We ALWAYS get real trees in my family, none of this fake stuff. When I was little we use to actually cut them down ourselves too- then we moved to AZ and then to NM and this became a little harder and we just went to tree lots- with my Dad protesting of course. Gus, on the other hand, always had fake trees; I guess real trees aren't really that common in Brazil. Anyway, I told Gus that we were getting a real tree, no ifs, ands, or buts! ;) We picked out a cute little 4 foot one and then we put it on one of our end tables and it is the height of a regular sized one! Our apartment is pretty small and so we don't have many places it could go, but we both really like it. Then we decorated it- after we bought lights and a star of course! We had some ornaments that we had gotten last year (we were living with my Grandparent's then though and just used their tree and didn't have one of our own) and some that I had received throughout my life, and of course, our first Christmas together ornament. Then I put up some Christmas decorations that I had been given in Christmas’s past.  I also have a village to set up, but we are trying to figure out how to put it up still since we don’t have too much room. Have I mentioned that I love Christmas? This will be our first Christmas together in our own little place and I’m so excited! (Yes, I know, technically it is our second Christmas together, but first in our own little place!)

And I just thought that I would throw in some more baby news. We had our second doctors appointment the other day and we got to hear the heartbeat again and it was going strong! I had lost some more weight though (not that much, a whole 2 pounds!) but the Dr said that she didn’t want me loosing anymore weight  and gave me an anti-nausea prescriptions, but I haven’t used it yet- I don’t want to take stuff if I don’t have too. But here is the kicker! I asked when they usually do the gender ultrasounds (I had heard some do it at 16 weeks, some 20, so I was just curious) and you know what the nurse said? “We don’t.” What??? She said that the insurance doesn’t pay for it; they only pay for ultrasounds if they suspect there might be a problem. What?? I thought that now days everyone did the gender ultrasound. My mom had it for all four of us and that was about 27 years ago (starting with my brother). Weird.  But, I have a friend whose mother –in-law does ultrasounds around here and she told me that she does ultrasounds for all of her friends and can do it for me, but she just can’t do anything official or give you the pictures or anything else. So, at least hopefully we will still get to see something even if we don’t have “official” results. I was really shocked. Oh well, I guess that’s how things go. I have a few more weeks to worry about it since I’m still only about 13 weeks. I did get more of an official due date though- June 11th. My little brother’s birthday is on the 13th though and he hopes the baby comes then. I thought 6-6-12 sounded good (although, my sister informed me that June 6th is the birthday of her best friend, who died a few years ago :(). And, something else I’m sure you have all been dying to know… I feel so fat! Haha and since I have nice large hips, my baby has decided it likes it there, for now I’m sure, but that makes pants feel tight- and the elastic (like on my pajamas and underwear) really makes me feel squished! And there really isn’t anywhere to get maternity clothes around here. (You would think there would be with all the births around here, but most are teenagers and I guess that they just buy clothes a little bit bigger and my brother informed me that they just let their bellies hang out… eew)  And something else that makes me sick- my Sister-in-law is due any day now (they will induce her on the 10th if she doesn’t have her baby by then) and she is still wearing pre-pregnancy pants… I feel so fat!!! But I love our Baby anyway and Gus says I’m still hot… ;) Well, this post is getting long. I guess I shall end. Merry Christmas and Happy New Years, if I don’t write before then, I make no guarantees! ;)