Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Some pictures from today. Disclaimer- They aren't from a high quality camera. Smiling at Daddy

More power to you!

My baby is getting a double chin!
 He hasn't gotten the posing for the camera thing down yet...

Hehe don't let Gus know this picture is on here... hehe I love you Amor!

Three months!

Oops, I didn't get a post in for August, it was a little busy. So recap- Gus's family came to meet Lucas and he was blessed and turned two months old. Gus's Mom took lots of nice pictures of my cute boy which are on Facebook- I'll try to get some pics on here but I'm not using a regular computer and I'm not sure how to do the whole picture thing... we'll see. It was really nice to have all of Gus's family here. His parents came from Brazil and his sister and her family came from Dallas. Our place was kind of crowded. We'll have to get a bigger place next time. ;-)

Later that month I went up to Utah with my Mom to take my sister up to college, so that my Mom didn't have to drive home alone. I was a little worried about how Lucas would do on such a long drive- it takes us about 12 hours normally, and that's only really stopping for gas and to go to the bathroom. Lucas was so good. I sat in the back seat with him and talked to him and fed him (I had pumped milk and then I pumped on the way using a plug adapter with the cigarette lighter) and it only really took us an hour longer. When we stopped I would take him out of his car seat and lay him on the seat to stretch out and then I changed his diaper and nurse him if he was hungry. While we were up there, my brother and his wife had their second child- a girl, who they named Alyvia. She was 7 lbs 4 oz and 20 in. long. She was healthy and my sister-in-law seems to be recovering well (it was a repeat c-section). We then came home the next day. (We left on Friday morning and came home on Tuesday). It was a very quick trip but it was good. None of my family had seen Lucas- besides my parents and Kristen and Jared because they were here. So it was nice. He got to meet his Great Grandma and his Great Grandpa. I wish he could of met my other grandparents, but my Dad's Dad died in March and my Mom's Mom died in June, two weeks after Lucas was born. I'm so glad that we have eternal families and that we will be able to be with my grandparents - and all other family members, provided that we follow God's plan- again.

The night that we got home though, Lucas woke-up not being able to breath very well. His nose was all stuffy and runny. So we were dealing with that for awhile. Poor boy. He seems to be doing better now. Thank goodness.

I just love my little boy! He is so cute. I can hardly believe that he is three months old now. He is laughing and smiling so much. He can roll over from his stomach to his back and he has good control of his head and neck. He is really strong. He can stand up too. (With help of course. :-) ) He has been such a good baby. Oh I forgot. In August we also found out that he has silent reflux that's where they don't actually spit-up, the acid just goes back down, so it burns coming up and going back down. He would choke on it and that scared me. Anyway, the Dr. put him on Zantac and he seems to be doing a lot better. Oh and he loves when his Dad- or anyone, but mostly his Dad, tickles him.

 Well that's all I can think of right now. Now I'll try adding pictures' we'll see how that goes. :-)