Wednesday, May 1, 2013


I thought that maybe I'd update my blog. :-)  I figured I'd keep the blog around, but I still mostly post on Facebook. I've also tried not to spend as much time online, so that hasn't helped my blogging. anyway, on to the updates!

I'm not going to exactly break everything down month by month because I can't quite remember and I don't feel like looking it up. ;-)  OK, let's see... My baby is getting so big!, A week after Lucas turned 9 months, he took his first step, all by himself- he's been walking with our help since before he could crawl. Ever since then he has been practicing all the time and he is almost a pro. In the beginning his problem was that he got to excited and wanted to run, so after a few steps he would fall down. He has slowed down a little and is doing pretty good now- and he isn't even 11 months old yet!

Lucas is so smart too! And no, I'm not biased. ;-)  He knows where his and others people's nose and eyes are- and sometimes the mouth and teeth. He also knows where the nose is in English, Portuguese, and German. He knows many different things in all the languages- but we need to work more on the Portuguese though so that he can talk with his other grandparents. :-)

Lucas points at everything! Haha, his pointer finger is almost always out. It's so cute. When we ask him things he answers us with a nod off the head. He knows what he wants too!  He waves bye bye, and sometimes he will lead music too.  He loves to dance whenever he hears music, or sometimes even just noise... Haha Also if we ask him if he is "tinky"- stinky he waves his hand (just like his wave and music leading) because my mom started waving her hand in front of her nose and saying tinky when he was stinky... Hehe When she first started he thought it was so funny and just burst out laughing for a good solid 5 min every time she did it. I'll have to check if I have the video- it isn't good quality, but it's so funny to listen to him laugh.

Lucas loves being outside.  He grabs our hands and leads us to wherever he wants to go. He's started throwing little fits though when he doesn't get his way... Humm.... We'll have to work on that. He also is sleeping in his crib in his room now- he goes to sleep good, but sadly he still wakes up multiple times a night... It sure does get tiring sometimes. He is so sweet though. He gives us hugs and has such a sweet smile and a cute laugh. I love this boy so much! He is the light of our lives!

Nothing much has happen with Gus or me. Gus is still working at the same place without much change. He's still an awesome dad. Oh, he did also start training for a 5K. He's been doing pretty good.  I'm still losing weight and trying to be a better wife and mother. I've been trying new recipes and I think they've come out pretty good... We have a whole bunch of baby food that we got from WIC, both baby cereal and jarred fruit and veggies, so I've also been experimenting with recipes using those. I've made pancakes, bread, cookies, pasta and pasta sauce. I've also had to experiment more because Lucas can't have dairy, soy, or rice. We use almond milk and have been enjoying that pretty good- we also like coconut milk.

In February my youngest brother left for his mission to the Baltic. He is such a good boy. He's suppose to learn Russian and Lithuania . Sounds way to hard for me!  We pray for him so that he can learn the language's so that the people can hear the gospel in their own language.

At the end of May, Gus's mom is coming out to celebrate Lucas's first birthday. We are so excited. Gus's sister is also expecting their third child and we are so excited to have another cousin for Lucas. Well, Lucas woke up, so I better go!

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