Well, I guess I could update my blog instead of looking at everyone else's wondering why they don't update their. :-)
OK, back to
July, let's see if I can remember everything-
Fourth of July was calm. We had a little BBQ at my parents house and then we watched the fireworks from our church parking lot. Oh, and had an ice cream social with the Spanish branch right before. Lucas enjoyed the fireworks and wasn't scared at all- but that might partly be due to the fact that we weren't right by them and so it wasn't extremely loud.
the thirteenth we found out that we are pregnant. :-) We were very excited and told our families that month, but no one else. Later that month I stated having some bleeding though and we got nervous, but everything seems to be going good. We are due March 19, 2014. Hopefully we will find out the gender this coming week- but that's jumping ahead a few months. :-)
On the 27th my dad turned 50 and we had a party for him. My older brother and his family were able to come down and spend some time with us and we had a lot of fun. Lucas enjoyed playing with his cousins.
the 31st, Gus and I celebrated our third anniversary together. I can hardly believe that it has already been three years. I am so lucky to have him as a husband and as our children's father. :-)
I really can't remember much right now... Oops :-) We didn't do much though because I wasn't feeling the best with morning sickness and such, although I don't believe it was as bad as when I was pregnant with Lucas though, which is good since I still needed to take care of my sweet boy. It was so cute when we told Lucas about the baby. We said that Mommy had a baby in her tummy and then pointed to my belly. We didn't know if he really understood or not, but later that day (maybe it was the next day?) We were at my parents house and I was talking with my Mom and I asked Lucas where Mommy's baby was and he pointed to my stomach. I was a little surprised that he remember because we hadn't talked about it at all again until that moment. He is such a smart boy and amazes me every day. I am so lucky to have him!
Wow, maybe I should write this post another time... I really can't remember anything. :-) Still feeling icky, but getting better. Doctor says everything is looking good. Lucas keeps growing and learning. Oh, we had the Chili Cheese Festival. Lucas got to see a cow be milked and then we went to Gus's work, where they were giving tours of the cheese factory, and we got to eat pizza.
This month we got to do a few fun things with Lucas.
At the beginning of the month we got to watch General Conference and feel the spirit touch us. In between the Saturday sessions, Lucas and I went to our city's little sidewalk chalk festival. People would come and draw and then their pictures would be voted on and they would receive a prize (not sure what it was). But they also had a whole bunch of crafts and stiff for the kids to do and it was all free. It looked like a lot of fun, but Lucas was just a tiny bit to young to really enjoy the crafts (modeling clay, painting on tiles to fire, etc). I want to go back next year.
Lucas and I also made Halloween ornaments and baked them and then painted them. He enjoyed the parts I let him do. :-) While making the dough, he wanted to put the ingredients in, but he likes to shake the measuring cups (or spoons) while he's putting them in, and well, it can make a big mess on our cream colored carpet (who puts cream colored carpets in apartment, especially under where the table goes?) Needless to say, we went outside to paint them. :-)
We went to the Eastern New Mexico State Fair and although Lucas was to short to ride any of the rides, we enjoyed walking around. We got to see the animals and Lucas got a free stuffed giraffe when a guy had Gus try his hand at dart throwing for free. Lucas's favorite thing though was the free balloon they were giving out to advertise for someone running for sheriff. He saw other kids with them and he kept asking for one, so we went on the hunt and also acquired a plastic fireman hat that he was pretty excited about also. And best of all- we got in free on vender passes because Gus was there for his work and we just went early to have time together. Lucas seemed to really enjoy himself, but we can't get him to smile for pictures when he is in a new exciting environment because he too busy trying to process it all. :-)
We also went to a pumpkin farm, but didn't have as much luck with the free things and there really want much to do. We had heard that this year you had to pay to get in, but then it was mostly free. We were excited about the hay ride and to see the pumpkin patch. Well, turns out, you have to take the hay ride to get to the pumpkin patch and it was ridiculously priced. So, we walked alone for a bit and then left. :-(
We got to go to Dallas this month also. Gus had an interview and his mom was visiting his sister, who had just had a baby a few weeks ago. They blessed the baby while we were there and Lucas got to play with his other cousins. He had a blast.
We still have something's planned for the rest of the month with Gus's birthday and Halloween coming up. Hopefully I'll get around to posting on it sooner then I have done. Now I'll try inserting pictures... :-)